This technique is said to have originated in Japan. While I don’t fully believe it started there I do believe that they had allot of influence in perfecting it into the efficient fish catching system it is today. Let’s start with the basic rig. Most of the time when drop shotting I like to use … [Read more...]
Surface Fishing, The Ultimate Rush!
Its early morning, the sun is just peaking its head over the mountains, there is the cool mist in the air and your speeding across the lake to that shallow flat that always holds bass early during the warmer months. You shut down the big motor, place the trolling motor into the water and pick up the … [Read more...]
Out with the old ways of handling deep hooked bass by Rick Lawrence
Another interesting article by my buddy Rick Lawrence AKA the Fish-N-Fool, Thanks again buddy! Too many anglers have been told for years that the best way to handle a deep hooked bass was to cut the line at the hook eye and let it rust out. I have for about the last 20 years never left a hook in … [Read more...]
Dropshotting with a new Twist! By Rick Lawrence
I hope you have enjoyed the previous posts from my guest writer Rick Lawrence of Fish-nFool Lures , I know he makes me think out of the box. Below is his latest contribution. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did. I want to share with you a neat new way I found to catch river Smallmouth on a … [Read more...]
A better way to wacky rig, by Rick Lawrence
I know I have enjoyed the articles by my guest writer Rick Lawrence of Fish-n-Fool Lures because it makes me think outside of the box. Todays post discuss's a different way of wacky rigging. With that I give you A better way to wacky rig. Like a lot of you guys I love to fish sinking soft plastics … [Read more...]
Cold Water Bass
I hope you enjoyed the first article by Rick Lawrence at Fish-N-Fool Lures, pretty neat trick huh? Here is the second article from him, enjoy! BTW, Thanks for visiting my site, be sure to tell your friends and come back often. Until Next Time, Good Luck and Tight Lines To Ya! The Largemouth Bass … [Read more...]
WOO HOO! DD finally.
After 2 years of trying I finally landed my first, hopefully many more to come, Double Digit CA Aqueduct Striped Bass. I had a 10:00 doctor appointment in the Antelope Valley and figured that I’d head down earlier and wet a line for a couple hours. I stopped and picked up a couple friends that … [Read more...]
Fishing jigs
This post is about one of my favorite bass fishing techniques, Jig fishing. This is one of my confidence technique’s. I know every time I throw a jig I’m going to catch bass, and chances are, big ones at that. I’ll start out talking about the different types and styles of jigs. First I’ll cover the … [Read more...]
A Successful Antelope Valley Aqueduct Fishing Trip.
Felt like giving the AV duct yet another try so yesterday I sent texts to 3 friends that live down that way. 1 of them already had other plans but the other 2 said sure, lets do it. Left town at 0400, stopped in Rosamond to pickup Mike then onto Palmdale to pickup Zoli. We started at Ave S and … [Read more...]
AV Duct Stripers, WOOO HOOO!
I wanted to go fishing and since there were supposed to be high winds today I decided to take a ride down to the duct and give it yet another try. I gave my buddy Yolo a call and of course he was already out and had caught one on a Rat-L-Trap that was very close to being a DD, which I asked him to … [Read more...]