As most of you already know, back in January 2013 I started a new chapter in my life, to be healthier and be able to actually enjoy my life instead of just living it. Back in October 2013 I posted my original story and here it is about 6 months later so I figured it was time to give an update to my journey to a healthier me. While I have to admit that initially the weight seemed to come off pretty easily and quickly, in my opinion the past 6 months haven’t been quite as easy but it was not nearly as difficult as I thought it would be but from all the research I’ve done this is pretty normal when one has quite a lot of weight to lose.
Like I mentioned in my original post on this, I’ve always been overweight. All the doctors I’ve seen over the years have been shocked as to just how healthy I was in spite of the fact that I was severely overweight. My blood work always came back great, no real health problems directly attributed to my weight and no diabetes. It was on January 1, 2023 that I finally came to the realization that a person can Russian roulette only so many times before the gun fires and it was time to actually do something about it and make a life style change. I have never considered what I’ve been doing a diet, just a shift in my mindset resulting in a life style change.
It’s been kind of funny at times seeing and hearing the reaction of people who haven’t seen me for quite awhile, a lot of them are shocked. I’ve heard, “Are you OK” quite a lot, not only to my face but people have asked my sisters the same thing due to my weight loss. I always tell them, “Trust me, it’s not unexplained weight loss, it’s been work, and hard work at times, but yes, I’m fine.” I’ve also had friends that I haven’t seen in awhile not even recognize me, at times it’s been pretty funny.
Of course as I lose weight I have to adjust my caloric intake in order to continue losing weight and that’s where My Fitness Pal is great. After you lose weight it says that you have lost a significant amount of weight and must adjust your goals. Of course I have plateaued a few times, not losing any weight for weeks at a time and yes, it gets very frustrating but you must work through it and in time tour metabolism will kick back in.
Yes, I still have the circulation issues in my right leg due to vein damage and even though at times it swells, hurts and I have to elevate it and take pain pills daily, I have been continuing to walk daily because I figure I’d rather be hurting and healthy than hurting and not healthy.
Anyhow time for the update, may I have a drum roll please……… As of Saturday May 31, 2014, I am down 151 pounds since I started my journey back in January 2013! My goal is to lose around another 50 pounds and be more than half the man I used to be.
Thanks for visiting my site. Be sure to tell all of your fishing buddies and come back soon.
Until Next Time, Good Luck and Tight Lines To Ya!